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Learn about gift cards
What is a gift card?
Also known as brand vouchers, gift vouchers and brand cards, gift cards are a digital mode of payment which carries a amount along with a pin / card no. You can buy these gift cards and use them to pay on 300+ brand online and offline as well.
Why should I use a gift card?
Gift cards help you get great value on your purchase with a brand. They simplify giving, help with budgeting, and are easily sent across distances, ensuring your thoughtful gesture brings joy and value.
How to use a gift card?
To use a gift card, simply present it at the time of purchase in-store or enter the card’s unique code at checkout when shopping online. The amount of your purchase will be deducted from the card's balance.

Make This New Year Unforgettable for Your Employees!

Last updated :
March 10, 2024

minutes read

Having a right jolly dilemma picking those perfect new year corporate gifts ideas? No need to panic! As festive cheer turns into New Year's celebrations, we're here with plenty of cracking ideas that'll sparkle in your employees’ eyes. So ease into your chair and let's bring heart-thumping surprises to your workplace without the sleight of a magic wand!

Diverse employees celebrating New Year in office with corporate gifts like tech gadgets and personalized stationery
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The Essence of New Year Giving in the Corporate World

The tick-tock to midnight isn't just counting down time; it's a symbolic baton pass to renewed hopes and dreams. 

Offering a little token epitomises your appreciation, smoothing the journey across the year for your amazing team. 

Let's milk cookies for ideas and sprinkle sugar on top with gratitude wrapped in wrapping paper.

  • A smashing New Year's present can make a workstation look lively and raise the spirits, getting everyone pumped for the upcoming year.
  • Show you get what makes each of your crew members tick and give a big shout-out for their hard graft through the year.
  • Have a think about how far everyone's come - the personal wins and team victories. Celebrate these with thoughtful keepsakes meant just for them.
  • Make opening their gifts a bit of an event. A great surprise should come bit by bit - revealing shared memories and hope for cracking times ahead.

Remember, presents are more than just goodies - they tell tales of the year that's been and set the scene for grand adventures yet to come. Mighty oaks grow from little acorns, after all.!

Gift Selection Challenges

But let's face it, finding the golden ticket of gifts comes with its fair set of difficulties. You might be navigating through the thicket of individual styles, spanning cultural spectrums, all the while keeping an eye on the company budget. 

Add to this the need for your gifts to reflect the heart and spirit of your enterprise and, well, it's no small feat! However, with the right mindset and some savvy new year corporate gifts ideas, you'll be setting the standard for a truly fantastic New Year.

Thoughtful Gift Ideas to Celebrate Your Staff

Materials that Matter to Productivity Aficionados

  • Classy diaries or personalised stationery for keeping on top of things in style.
  • Smart desk organisers are as chic as they are practical.

These nifty gifts not only show that you pay attention but also contribute to your team pulling off another banner year.

Tapping into Tech

  • Portable power banks and sleek mouse pads for tech lovers.
  • Bluetooth speakers for those who groove while they work.

Trust us, upgrading their gadget game with these best New Year's gifts will be met with cheers all around.

Fostering Well Being

  • Subscriptions to meditation apps for peace in and out of the office.
  • Luxe foam rollers or yoga mats - because who doesn't love a bit of zen?

After a busy year, these gifts could be the ticket to a well-deserved breather your team members are seeking.

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Adding a Personalised Touch

  • EnBossed notebooks tailored with each employee's name.
  • Coffee mugs with prints reflecting each staffer’s personality.

Where every sip and every note reminds them that they're in an office that truly gets them.

Explain Engagement Where It Counts

Material things are fine and dandy but imagine your team treasure-hunting together or solving mysteries in virtual worlds. Booking unique events can tease out camaraderie and build memories that make the daily grind all part of an unforgettable adventure.

Making It Special for Everyone

All right, get ready to tickle everyone’s New Year’s fancy with some handpicked personalised new year corporate gifts ideas. Because let’s face it, nothing says 'you're valued' more than something with a personal touch:

  • Custom art supplies for the creatives, encouraging their talent and passion projects.
  • Eco-friendly bundles, brimming with plantable pencils and organic snacks for the green-hearted employees.
  • Streaming service memberships for the movie buffs, giving them access to another world of streaming joy.

And hey, let's turn the norm on its head – make those parcels pretty with unique, eye-catching packaging that causes a mini celebration in their hands!

Where to Find and How to Choose the Best New Years Gifts

If there’s a grey area in the gift game, it’s finding those suites of perfect gifts that also vibe with your brand’s vision. Seek out esteemed suppliers, or even better, hunt for homegrown skills:

  • Authentic handicrafts and the likes for a touch of tradition and a nod to local artistry.
  • Go for practical pieces that slot right into your employees’ daily lives or luxurious goods for added opulence.
  • Also consider, embed social goodness with gifts that give back - charitable donations or sponsorship on their behalf.

Last-Minute Gifting Solutions

Running behind doesn’t mean running out of great options for new year gifts for corporate clients and your workforce. There are plenty of quick-to-click choices that come with a genuine message:

  • Audiobook memberships for book lovers to listen to their way through the upcoming year.
  • Olive oil tasting club for the foodies when fancy chocolates are passé.
  • A little sneak peek email, open only in moments when challenges hit hard throughout the year, assuring them of your support.

Remember, snappy solutions can still have the 'wow' factor with a sprinkle of creativity and care. Out of excellent presentations come moments that could stick with your employees beyond the midnight countdown. 

Enhance the groundwork we’ve put, in with sparkles of your company’s unique flavour on these best new year's gifts. Don't forget – a bookmark in your browser or a share to a pal can transform somebody’s gifting slump into a high-fiving triumph as elated employees herald the dedication you spent spoiling them!

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