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Mastering the Art of Lungi Draping: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Wear Lungi in Three Different Ways

Last updated :
March 10, 2024

minutes read

Are you curious about how to wear a lungi? Lungi is a traditional garment worn by men and women in South and Southeast Asian countries. It is a versatile and comfortable garment that can be worn in different ways for various occasions. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to wear a lungi in three different ways.

The lungi is a long piece of fabric that is wrapped around the waist and legs, similar to a skirt or sarong. It is a traditional garment that has been around for centuries and is an integral part of the culture in South and Southeast Asian countries such as India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar.

Choosing a Lungi

When choosing a lungi, there are several factors to consider, such as the occasion, weather, and personal preference. Lungis come in different types of fabrics, including cotton, silk, and synthetic materials. Cotton lungis are the most common and affordable, while silk lungis are more luxurious and suitable for formal events. Synthetic lungis are easy to maintain and ideal for everyday wear.

It is important to consider the fabric quality, size, and length when selecting a lungi. Choose a fabric that is soft, breathable, and durable. The size and length of the lungi will depend on your waist size and height. It is essential to choose a lungi that fits you well and is easy to tie.

How to Wear a Lungi in Classic Wrap Form

The classic wrap form is the easiest and most straightforward way of wearing a lungi. Follow these steps to tie a lungi in classic wrap form:

  1. Hold the lungi by the two corners on the shorter side and fold it in half.
  2. Wrap the lungi around your waist with the folded edge at the top and the open edge at the bottom.
  3. Tie a knot at the front of your waist with the two ends of the lungi.
  4. Tuck the fabric on your left and right sides into the waistband, making pleats as you go.
  5. Continue tucking the fabric until you reach the back, then tuck the remaining fabric into the waistband.
  6. Adjust the pleats and length of the lungi as needed.

How to Wear a Lungi in Sarong Style

The sarong style is a popular way of wearing a lungi, especially for women. Follow these steps to tie a lungi in sarong style:

  1. Hold the lungi by the two corners on the shorter side and fold it in half.
  2. Wrap the lungi around your waist with the folded edge on your left side and the open edge on your right side.
  3. Bring the fabric on your right side across your waist to your left side, making a pleat as you go.
  4. Tuck the pleat into the waistband at your left side.
  5. Bring the fabric on your left side across your waist to your right side, making a pleat as you go.
  6. Tuck the pleat into the waistband at your right side.
  7. Adjust the pleats and length of the lungi as needed.

How to Wear a Lungi in Dhoti Style

The dhoti style is a more formal way of wearing a lungi and is commonly worn by men. Follow these steps to tie a lungi in dhoti style:

  1. Hold the lungi by the two corners on the shorter side and fold it in half.
  2. Wrap the lungi around your waist with the folded edge at the back and the open edge at the front.
  3. Bring the two corners on the open edge around your waist to the back, tying a knot at the back.
  4. Bring the fabric on your left across your waist to your right side, making pleats as you go.
  5. Tuck the pleats into the waistband at your right side.
  6. Bring the fabric on your right across your waist to your left side, making pleats as you go.
  7. Tuck the pleats into the waistband at your left side.
  8. Adjust the pleats and waistband as needed.

Maintenance and Care

To keep your lungi in good condition, it is important to wash and iron it properly. Cotton lungis can be washed in the washing machine with mild detergent and cold water. Silk and synthetic lungis should be hand washed or dry cleaned. After washing, iron the lungi while it is still damp to remove wrinkles and creases. Store the lungi in a cool and dry place to prevent mold and mildew.

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FAQ about Lungi Wearing

Understanding the Lungi: Fabrics and Occasions

Whether you're new to wearing a lungi or a seasoned expert, understanding the different types of fabrics and their suitable occasions can enhance your experience. Here's a handy guide:

How do I tie a lungi for beginners?

For beginners, it is recommended to start with the classic wrap form, as it is the easiest and most straightforward way of wearing a lungi. Follow the steps in the section above for a step-by-step guide.

How can I keep the lungi from falling?

To keep the lungi from falling, make sure to tie a tight knot at the front of your waist. You can also use a lungi clip or safety pin to secure the fabric in place.

Can women wear a lungi?

Yes, women can wear a lungi in different styles, such as the sarong style and classic wrap form. It is a comfortable and versatile garment that can be worn by anyone.

Accessorizing and Styling Your Lungi

What are the different ways to accessorize a lungi?

You can accessorize a lungi with a matching or contrasting shirt, sandals, and jewellery. For formal events, you can wear a jacket or blazer with your lungi.

How can I wear a lungi to a formal event?

For formal events, silk lungis in solid colours or with subtle patterns are recommended. Pair your lungi with a matching or contrasting jacket or blazer, dress shoes, and accessories such as a watch or cufflinks.

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Now that you know how to wear a lungi in three different ways, you can experiment with different styles and find the one that suits you the most. Lungi is a traditional garment that has been around for centuries and is an integral part of the culture in South and Southeast Asian countries. By following the steps in this guide and taking care of your lungi, you can master the art of lungi draping and enjoy the benefits of wearing this comfortable and versatile garment.

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Shuaib is a Marketing & Growth lead at Hubble. When he isn't working on growth initiatives, Shuaib writes fiction and doodles space monkeys.

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