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Learn about gift cards
What is a gift card?
Also known as brand vouchers, gift vouchers and brand cards, gift cards are a digital mode of payment which carries a amount along with a pin / card no. You can buy these gift cards and use them to pay on 300+ brand online and offline as well.
Why should I use a gift card?
Gift cards help you get great value on your purchase with a brand. They simplify giving, help with budgeting, and are easily sent across distances, ensuring your thoughtful gesture brings joy and value.
How to use a gift card?
To use a gift card, simply present it at the time of purchase in-store or enter the card’s unique code at checkout when shopping online. The amount of your purchase will be deducted from the card's balance.

The habit of spending money - how to use it to your advantage

Last updated :
March 10, 2024

minutes read

Spending money is a necessary part of life.

Now that we've stated the obvious, let's also be understanding of the fact that if it can lead to financial problems if not managed properly.

Why is spending money a habit?

Habits are defined as actions or behaviours that are done regularly and automatically, without much thought or planning. When it comes to spending money, this can include buying things impulsively, overspending, or not keeping track of one's finances.

One of the reasons why spending money can become a habit is due to the ease and convenience of modern technology. Online shopping and mobile payments have made it is easier than ever to spend money without ever leaving the house.

This can lead to impulsive buying, where people make purchases without thinking about whether they really need or can afford the item. Additionally, many people may not be aware of how much money they are spending, which can lead to overspending and financial problems.

Another reason why spending money can become a habit is due to emotional triggers. People may turn to shopping or buying things as a way to cope with stress, boredom, or other negative emotions. This is known as emotional spending, and it can be a difficult habit to break. Emotional spending can be especially problematic for those who have difficulty managing their emotions, as it can lead to financial problems and further emotional distress.

However, it's important to note that not all spending is bad.

In fact, spending money on experiences and things that bring you joy can be a good thing. The key is to be mindful and intentional about your spending habits. This means setting a budget, tracking your expenses, and being aware of your emotional triggers. It's also important to have a clear understanding of your financial goals and priorities.

In conclusion, spending money can become a habit, but it does not have to be a negative one. By being mindful and intentional about your spending habits, you can enjoy the things you buy while also achieving your financial goals. It's important to remember that the key to good spending habits is balance and self-awareness. It's all about finding the right balance between enjoying life today and saving for the future.

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Shuaib Azam
Shuaib is a Marketing & Growth lead at Hubble. When he isn't working on growth initiatives, Shuaib writes fiction and doodles space monkeys.

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