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What are the sustainability challenges in the ride-hailing industry?

Last updated :
March 10, 2024

minutes read

Cabs, Carbon, and Conundrums: The Sustainability Challenge of India's Ride-Hailing Industry

Here's a ride you never saw coming - the sustainability challenge of India's booming ride-hailing industry. Are we cruising towards a sustainable future, or speeding down the road to ruin?

Hailing the Ride-Hailing Revolution

India's ride-hailing industry has grown exponentially in the last decade. Ola, Uber, and a host of other operators have made it easier than ever to get from point A to point B. No haggling with auto-rickshaw drivers or braving the crowded public transport. But there's a hitch to this smooth ride - sustainability.

Our Carbon Footprint Gets a Lift

Every time you tap your ride-hailing app, you're not just booking a cab, you're also leaving a carbon footprint. Ride-hailing vehicles, particularly those running on fossil fuels, are significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. A 2020 study revealed that ride-hailing trips generate 69% more pollution than the trips they displace.

In Indian cities, where traffic congestion is a perennial problem, this issue is exacerbated. Idling engines in bumper-to-bumper traffic lead to increased emissions, and the longer a ride, the larger the carbon footprint.

The Ghost-Ride Phenomenon

Another sustainability challenge is the 'ghost-ride' phenomenon - the miles driven by ride-hailing drivers with no passengers in the car. Drivers often have to travel a considerable distance to pick up their passengers, contributing to more carbon emissions per ride than a private vehicle.

Electric Dreams vs Infrastructure Nightmares

The solution seems obvious - a shift to electric vehicles (EVs). But the reality is more complex. India's EV infrastructure is still in its infancy. Charging stations are few and far between, and the power supply is unreliable in many areas. Also, the high cost of EVs is a significant deterrent for drivers who are often already struggling to make ends meet.

Shared Rides, Shared Responsibility

Shared rides have been touted as a way to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, and therefore, emissions. However, in a post-pandemic world, the fear of infection has made riders wary of sharing their space. Will shared rides make a comeback, or will the carbon footprint of the ride-hailing industry continue to grow?

The Green Light Ahead

The ride-hailing industry is aware of the sustainability challenge. Ola is investing in a massive EV manufacturing facility and plans to have 10,000 EVs on the road by 2022. Uber has pledged to become a fully electric mobility platform by 2040. But as the industry grows, so does the challenge.


There's no denying the convenience of ride-hailing, but we must also acknowledge its environmental impact. As riders, we have a part to play. Maybe it's choosing an EV when available, opting for shared rides when safe, or using public transport for longer journeys. Sustainability, after all, is a shared responsibility.

If you found this article enlightening, why not share it with your friends? Perhaps it'll spark a conversation on how we can all contribute to a more sustainable future. After all, every journey starts with a single step, or in this case, a single tap.

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