How long is the Pantaloons gift voucher valid for?
- The Pantaloons gift voucher comes with a validity of 1 year.
Can I use my accrued rewards when purchasing a Pantaloons gift voucher?
- You can use a maximum of 10% of your accrued rewards when generating a voucher for Pantaloons.
Are there any restrictions on using brand funded offers with the Pantaloons e-GC?
- All brand funded offers can be clubbed during purchase using the Pantaloons e-GC.
Where can I not use the Pantaloons e-GC?
- The e-GC is not valid at shop-in-shops and on Jewellery at Pantaloons outlets.
How do I use the Pantaloons gift voucher?
- Use the outlet locator to find the nearest outlet, select your product, share the gift voucher with the cashier during billing, and pay any remaining amount by cash or card if required.