How can I use my Smile Foundation gift voucher for donations?
- Visit the website and choose your donation amount.- Fill the form and select the "Redeem Voucher" option. Choose the partner: GyFTR.- Login with your mobile number, verify OTP, add any coupons if available, proceed to pay the amount. Choose the payment method and add the details.
Can I use my Smile Foundation gift voucher multiple times?
- No, the gift voucher can only be used once. Any unused amount will lapse.
Are there any recommendations for using the gift voucher?
- We recommend generating the card specifically for the amount you plan to shop for.
Is the Smile Foundation gift voucher assured?
- No, the gift voucher is not assured.
Can I get a refund for any unused amount on the gift voucher?
- No, any unused amount on the gift voucher will lapse.