How long is the Tata Cliq Luxury gift card valid for?
- The Tata Cliq Luxury gift card comes with a validity of 1 year.
Can I use my accrued rewards to purchase a Tata Cliq Luxury gift card?
- Yes, you can use a maximum of 10% of your accrued rewards when generating a voucher for this brand.
Are there any restrictions on using brand funded offers for Tata Cliq Luxury?
- All brand funded offers can be clubbed during purchase for Tata Cliq Luxury.
How do I redeem my Tata Cliq Luxury gift card online?
- Open the Tata Cliq App, go to the “My Account” tab, click on “Cliq Cash”, then in the “Gift cards” section, click on “Add It Here”. Enter your 16 digit code and 6 digit PIN, and press “Add Card”. The amount of the gift card can now be used at checkout.