How long is the validity of Tata Cliq Palette gift vouchers?
- The vouchers come with a validity of 1 year.
Can I use my accrued rewards to purchase a Tata Cliq Palette gift voucher?
- Yes, you can use a maximum of 10% of your accrued rewards when generating a voucher for this brand.
Can I combine multiple brand-funded offers when using a Tata Cliq Palette gift card?
- Yes, all brand-funded offers can be clubbed during purchase.
How do I redeem a Tata Cliq Palette gift card online?
- Open the Tata Cliq App, go to the “My Account” tab, click on “Cliq Cash”, select “Gift cards” and click on “Add It Here”, enter your 16 digit code and 6 digit PIN, and use the amount at checkout.
Are there any specific steps to follow while using a Tata Cliq Palette gift card online?
- Yes, follow the detailed steps provided in the Tata Cliq App to redeem your gift card seamlessly.